Monday, May 25, 2009

Mengukur Transistor Menggunakan Multi Meter

Ekivalen transistor with two dioda combined, so that the test dioda principle applied to the test transistor.

Cara Mengukur Transistor Menggunakan Multi Meter

Multimeter set on step x100, investigators in the black paste on the base and red at th colector, needle should move to the right. When the investigators moved to Emitor red, needle should move to the right again.

Then the investigators red on the base and black at the Colector, needle should not deviate, and when investigators black moved to Emitor needle also must not deviate.

next Multimeter set on the step 1 k, investigator in the black paste the collectors and red on the emittor, needle must digress a little to the right and if the investigators behind, the needle should not deviate. When one of the events do not happen, then transistor damaged.

For PNP Transitor type, the test is done with the investigators red on the base and black on the colector, needle must digress to the right. Similarly, when the red investigator moved to Emitor, needle must digress to the right again.