Thursday, November 11, 2010

10-Band Graphic Equalizer Circuit Diagram

This circuit allows you to equlize the audio signals in 10 band. It uses low amount op-amps (TL074 - JFET op-amp) to anatomy a able blaster circuit. The affection of the architecture is a classical band-pass alive filter. The VCC is in ambit of 12 ~ 15 VDC and The VDD is in ambit of -12 ~ -15 VDC respectively.
Rangkaian 10 band graphic equalizer Skema rangkaian 10-band
graphic equalizer

For more details the circuit scheme, click on the picture

As shown in the diagram, there are 10 same units that only differ in capacitance values of capacitors which determine the frequency band of each filter. The potentiometers adjust the predetermined regions of frequency in each unit.

The components must be high quality and have low tolerance, Specifically potesometer RV1... the 10 and capacitors.. The resistors must be metal-film type.

If it is intended for stereo use then it will be supposed it is made in two pieces with as much as possible suited the materials, between the channels, so that do not exist differences in the regulation of each band frequencies.

Switch S1 isolates the circuit EQ, when him we did not need and it ensures level [ flat ] response in the exit of circuit. The circuit should be connected between preamplifier and in a final power amplifier.

Component list of graphic equalizer circuit
  • R1-R20= 10Kohms
  • R21-R40= 1Mohms
  • R41-R10Kohms
  • R42= 1Kohms
  • R43-R52= 2.2Kohms
  • R53-R62= 47Kohms
  • R63-64-66-67= 47Kohms
  • R65= 10Kohms
  • R68-69= 47 ohms 1/2W
  • RV1-RV10= 100Kohms lin FADER
  • RV11= 10Kohms log.
  • C1= 180nF polyester
  • C2= 18nF polyester
  • C3= 100nF polyester
  • C4= 10nF polyester
  • C5= 47nF polyester
  • C6= 4.7nF polyester
  • C7= 22nF polyester
  • C8= 2.2nF polyester
  • C9= 12nF polyester
  • C10= 1.2nF polyester
  • C11= 5.6nF polyester
  • C12= 560pF polysterine
  • C13= 2.7nF polyester
  • C14= 270pF polysterine
  • C15= 1.5nF polyester
  • C16= 150pF polysterine
  • C17= 680pF polysterine
  • C18= 68pF polysterine
  • C19= 360pF polysterine
  • C20= 36pF polysterine
  • C21= 4.7uF polyester
  • C22-23= 33pF polysterine
  • C24= 10uF 25V
  • C25,C26= 47uF 25V
  • C27-C32= 47nF polyester
  • IC1-IC3= TL074
  • S1= 2X4 SW for stereo