Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Penguat membalik Penguat Op-Amp membalik akan menguatkan tegangan pada masukan serta membalik hasil penguatan tersebut, jadi keluaran dari rangkaian ini akan selalu memiliki polaritas yang berlawananan dengan sinyal masukannya. Penguatan tegangan pada rangkaian ini di tentukan...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Contact Us

You can use the following form to contact the author Your email will be read and in response to the note: All entries in the form below please be filled with complete and accurate. Editors prefer if you include your primary email address, though still allowed to include the secondary email address...

Monday, May 12, 2008

about me

This site is a personal effort to build an internet corner for electronic hobbyists. Here you can find interesting electronic schematics projects, articles, a links collection and an electronics hobbyists community.The site was build having in mind the easy of navigation and the clear layout so visitor is not confused seeing info that is not useful. Also you will find some advertisements placed harmonically in the layout. These...

Friday, May 02, 2008

Rangkaian Power Amplifier

In earlier times the amplifier assembly is the product of the simplest class amplifier. Enthusiasts is the salt of the amplifier can not afford to buy the manufacturer. But this time was different, because the amplifier assembly today its luxury-performance luxury. Even the upscale audiophile many degressive come down to make homemade amplifiers Factors that support the rapid development of this amplifier is assembled, because...
Skema Rangkaian Elektronika