Saturday, November 28, 2009

Mengukur Kerusakan Fet Dengan Multimeter

Mengukur Kerusakan Fet Dengan MultimeterFET is divided into two families: Junction FET (JFET) and Insulated Gate FET (IGFET) or also known as Metal Oxide Silicon (or semiconductor) FET (MOSFET). In contrast to the IGFET, the JFET gate terminal forming a diode with the channel (semiconductor material between the Source and Drain). In its...

LED Indicator Daya Audio Amplifier

LED Indicator Daya Audio AmplifierThis circuit, connected to the loudspeaker output of an audio amplifier, will indicate the instantaneous output power delivered to the loudspeaker(s) by means of six LEDs illuminating one after another by voltage values increasing little by little, providing the visual impression of a luminous bar or column,...

Mengukur Kapasitor Menggunakan Multimeter (AVO Meter)

Mengukur Kapasitor Menggunakan Multimeter (AVO Meter)Capacitor is a component that can store electrical energy in units of Farad. Discovered by Michael Faraday (1791-1867). Capacitor is now also known as the "capacitor", but the word "condenser" is still used today.Identified capacitor has two legs and two poles of positive and negative...

Friday, November 20, 2009

Lampu LED Disko Mengikuti Musik

This series consists of 10 led a mounted sequential, Supply 9V IC1A needed to strengthen to 100 times and move the audio signal IC1B. Sensitivity level of the circuit can be adjusted by changing the value of R4. The value of C4 was changed from 220 to 470nF. Each input R9 must be linked with the IC2 output pins.Skema Rangkain Lampu LED Disko...

Rangkaian Detektor Signal AF/RF

The following circuit of special functions to detect the presence or absence of signal AF / RF. This circuit is very simple so as to make it requires a relatively low cost. Detektor Signal AF/RF circuit based an audio amplifier and a loudspeaker with a switch input to the AF and RF signal. The whole device can be made as small as possible...

Rangkaian Pengusir Tikus Elektonik

Mice are wild animals and very annoying. "Action bawdy" it could be all kinds ranging from pooping everywhere, rummaging through closets and warehouses, spread diseases (plague), and so on. Just always make a scene! One alternative to overcome this is to use an electronic mouse repellent. In addition to environmentally friendly, this tool...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

3 led Level Audio amplifier Indicator

This circuit ican be used to show the power output level of any audio amplifier. The circuit is very simple and displays three power levels that can be set to any desired value. For a standard HiFi stereo power amplifier like the 25W MOSFET Audio Amplifier.Skema Rangkaian 3 led Level Audio amplifier IndicatorComponent List Of 3 led Level...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pengukur Suara Speaker

Rangkaian Pengukur Suara Speaker This circuit can be used to setup their home-cinema set adjusting all the loudspeaker outputs to the same level when heard from the listening position. The circuit is very simple (though linear and precise) ac millivoltmeter, using an existing multimeter set to 50 or 100µA fsd with the probes connected...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Rangkaian Loudness Aktif

To get good audio reproduction at different listening levels, a different tone-setting controls should be necessary to suit the well known behavior of the human ear. In fact, the human ear sensitivity varies in a non-linear manner through the entire audible frequency band, as shown by Fletcher-Munson curves.A simple approach to this problem...

Rangkaian Diferensiator Op-Amp

Diferensiator circuit functions to produce a voltage which is a function of the time differential input voltage. Diferensiator circuit is basically a pass-filter for condenser consisting of rows and row resistor. Because the condenser reactance increases if the frequency falls, this circuit eliminates the low frequency components of an input....

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rangkaian Integrator Op-Amp 741

Op-amp is versatile electronic circuits are designed and specially packaged, so that by adding external components at all, can already be used for various purposes. One of them is to make the integrator integrator circuit functions to produce an output voltage which is an integral function of time from the input voltage.Rangkaianintegrator...

Rangkaian Relay Penunda Speaker

The following is a series of speakers delay relay useful as a delaying the speakers. The purpose of this delay circuit is as a deterrent to prevent pounding of the very first amplifier is turned on.This delay circuit has the advantage that is: if there konsleting, relationship with the speaker amplifier circuit will be immediately cut off,...

Rangkaian Pengusir Serangga

In this section of talk about a type of insect repellent, insect repellant is a circuit that will repel insects from your home or yard with effectively. This circuit uses the frequency of bullying for the insect so the insect will go.Skema Rangkaian Pengusir SeranggaFor this skesta insect repellent should be installed inside or outside the...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Menguji Dioda Menggunakan Multi Meter

Menguji Dioda Menggunakan Multi MeterIn the diode consists of cathode and anode, and this is given one mark. Then the steps using a multimeter diode test is as follows:Turn the switch on the Ohm, let R x 1KInvestigators Attach the red to the cathode (+) and black Investigators at the anode (-) diodeIf the needle moves multimeter that is...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Antena Pemancar Radio FM

The antenna serves to radiate signals and radio wave radiation. Antenna generally divided into two by the beam, ie Omnidirectional (all directions). This antenna radiates radio waves strong kesegala same direction. bidirectional (both directions). This antenna radiates radio waves as strong to just two directions. The two parameters that...

Rangkaian Penala Antena

This is a series of antenna-tuning circuit or circuits for transmitting antenna placement SW 3-30 MHz wave / short wave 3-30 Mhz. If the placement is just right then the maximum energy from the transmitter will send out all the antenna through sehinnga nothing is wasted. To get a clear picture of the circuit is click on the picture below.Skema...

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Pengatur Kecepatan Motor Menggunakan PWM

So-called PWM or Pulse Modulation Witdh is a technique often used to control a load, for example, is the DC motor speed control, PWM techniques are often used. Usually to make a simple PWM (for practice or introduction PWM) of the hobbyist to use some of the circuit made of Op-Amp, which consists of Schmitt Trigger circuit, integrator and...

Multivibrator Astable Menggunakan IC 555

Multivibrator is an electronic circuit that at a certain time only one of two output voltage levels, except during the transition period. The transition (switching) between the two levels of output voltage occurs quickly. Two state level of the multivibrator output voltage, which is stable and Quasistable.Astable multivibrator is called...

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Rangkaian Multivibrator Monostable IC 555

Rangkaian Multivibrator Monostable IC 555 is a pulse generator circuit in which the duration of the pulse is determined by the R-C connected to IC 555 timer. In such a vibrator, one state of output is stable while the other is quasi-stable (unstable). For auto-triggering of output from quasi-stable state to stable state energy is stored...
Skema Rangkaian Elektronika