Friday, July 16, 2010

Cara Mrogram mikrokontroller AT89S52 Mengunakan Programmer 2.15

Mrogram mikrokontroller AT89S52 Via Programmer 2.15Programmer 2.15 is a software specifically developed for programming, read, or erase the internal flash memory microcontroller AT89S52, Programmer2.15 also equipped with a text editor that can be used to create the program in 8051 assembler language and compiled directly in to the file hexPic...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Menghitung Resistor LED Putih (Super Bright White LED)

LED (light emitting diode) is currently being widely used, among other things, traffic signal lights and indicator lights of the vehicle. Efisasi value (lumens per watt) LED increasingly make this light source is used widely in the field of lighting.Super bright white LED picLED is highly efficient light sources. Average white LED lamps...

Monday, July 05, 2010

Cara Menentukan Nilai Resistor Pada LED

Menentukan Nilai Resistor Pada LEDHow to choose a resistor to turn on the LED? Why LEDs need resistors? That's because the LED does not have a current regulator, the LED will burn out if no resistor.The amount of flow determines how bright an LED. Greater flow of the lighter flame of an LED. Current in the LED should be approximately 10-20...
Skema Rangkaian Elektronika