Sunday, November 28, 2010

Rangkaian On/Off 24 Hours Timer

This is a circuits are multi-range timers offering periods of up to 24 hours and beyond. This circuit can be used as repeating timers - or as single-shot timersSkema Rangkaian On/Off 24 Hours TimerThe Cmos 4060 is a 14-bit binary counter. However - only ten of those bits are connected to output pins. The 4060 also has two inverters - connected...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

220 Volt Disco Lamp circuit

This disco lamp circuit is not a voice operated switch (VOX) because this circuit is too dumb to differentiate between musical sound or human voice. This is rather a sound activated than voice activated. One interesting application is to control your disco lighting automatically by the musical sound from high power amplifier, when the music...

Megabass Circuit

The following is megabass circuit schematic (rangkaian megabass) . The megabass circuit is a modified Baxandall tone control with no bass cut and no treble control. It boosts frequencies from about 30Hz to 160Hz can boost by 14dB.Skema Rangkaian megabassNote:The input capacitor can be replaced with a .01uf cap if you wish.The 10pf capacitor...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Rangkaian Toggle Switch With Relay

This circuit will energize and de-energize a relay at the push of a button. Any type of momentary action push-to-make switch can be used. Pushing the button once - will energize the relay. And pushing it a second time - will de-energize the relaySkema Rangkaian Toggle SwitchI've drawn the circuit with a single pole relay. But you can use...

IC 555 Motorcycle Alarm Circuit

Rangkaian Motorcycle AlarmThis circuit features an intermittent siren output and automatic reset. It can be operated manually using a key-switch or a hidden switch; but it can also be wired to set itself automatically when you turn-off the ignition. By adding external relays you can immobilize the bike, flash the lights etc. I have used...

Friday, November 12, 2010

600 Watt Darlington Power Amplifier Circuit

This Power amplifier circuit is based around IC audio power amplifier driver (LM4702) manufactured by NATIONAL and darlington power transistors MJ11029 - MJ11028 by ON semiconductorsRangkaian 600 WattDarlington Power AmplifierNote:Recommended power supply voltage : 30V to 35VMax power supply voltage : 45VThis Power amplifier circuit produces...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

10-Band Graphic Equalizer Circuit Diagram

This circuit allows you to equlize the audio signals in 10 band. It uses low amount op-amps (TL074 - JFET op-amp) to anatomy a able blaster circuit. The affection of the architecture is a classical band-pass alive filter. The VCC is in ambit of 12 ~ 15 VDC and The VDD is in ambit of -12 ~ -15 VDC respectively.Skema rangkaian 10-band graphic...
Skema Rangkaian Elektronika