Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rangkaian Pendeteksi Metal

This is a metal detector circuit used IC CS209A . A 100uH coil is used to sense the presence of metal. The IC CS209A has a built in oscillator circuit and the coil L1 forms a part of its external LC circuit which determines the frequency of oscillation. The inductance of the coil change in the presence of metals and the resultant change...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Rangkaian Pre-Amp Sepul Gitar

This is a pre-amp guitar circuit suitable for high impedance type electric guitar pickups. The circuit is based on a uA 741 op-amp (IC1). The IC1 is wired as a non-inverting amplifier. Resistor Variable R1 can be used as a volume controller. Resistor Variable R6 can be used as tone controller. The switch S1 is used to produce “brilliant”...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rangkaian Bell Pintu Rumah

This is a doorbell circuit use IC NE555.When some one presses switch S1 momentarily, the loud speaker sounds a bell tone as long as the time period of the monostable multivibrator (IC1). When the switch S1 pressed, IC1 is triggered at its pin 2 and output pin 3 goes high for a time period previously set by the values of POT R4 and POT R5.When...

Rangkaian Penerima Radio Fm Sederhana

Here is a FM radio circuit using IC7400. IC TDA7000 is a monolithic integrated circuit for mono FM portable radios, where a minimum on peripheral components is crucial. The IC TDA7000 has a Frequency-Locked-Loop system with an intermediate frequency of 70 kHz. The intermediate frequency selectivity is achieved by active RC filters. The only...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rangkaian Sensor Parkir Mobil

This is circuit can be used for sensing the distance between the rear bumper of the car and any obstacle behind the car. The distance can be understood from the combination of the LEDs (D5 to D7) glowing. At 25cm D7 will glow, at 20 cm D7&D6 will glow and at 5cm D7, D6 and D5 will glow. When the obstacle is beyond 25 cm none of the above...

Rangkaian 100 watt Sub-Woofer Amplifier

This is the circuit of subwoofer amplifier. This amplifier can produce an output of 100Watt. There are seven transistors including four in the output stage. The transistors Q1 and Q2 form the preamplifier stage. Transistors Q4 to Q7 form the output stage. Since no ICs are used the circuit is very robust and can be easily assembled on a...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Osilator Gelomabang Kotak varibel 1Hz-10Khz

This is a Circuit of square wave generator using IC uA741. The circuit uses positive feedback for Schmitt trigger action and negative feedback for timing of the wave form.Let us presume that the output is high and the capacitor C1 is fully discharged.C1 now starts charging via R2 and R1. When the voltage across C1 rises above that the Junction...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Cara Menguji LDR menggunakan Multi Meter

The resistance value of LDR (Light dependent resistor) will change with light intensity about it or around it. In dark conditions the resistance of approximately 200KΩ and LDR in bright Around 500Ω. LDR is made from semiconductor materials such as cadmium sulfide. With this material the energy of the light that falls cause more load to the...

Rangkaian Pre- Amp mic 3 input - lm741

This is a 3 input mic mixer circuit using IC LM 741. Four 741s are used here. IC1, IC2, IC3 are used as preamplifiers. They produce a gain of around 40 decibel to the individual input signals. IC4 is wired as a summing amplifier to add the signals from three preamplifiers.IC4 also gives a gain of around 5 decibel to the final output signal....

Pemancar Fm 88-108Mhz - IC MAX2606

This is a FM transmitter circuit using Maxim semiconductors IC MAX2606. In the circuit the nominal frequency is set to 100 Mhz by inductor L1, (390nH) . The left and right channel audio signals from your source are added by R3 and R4, and attenuated by the POT R2. R2 can be used as a volume control .POT R1 can be used to select a channel...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rangkaian 3 band Graphic Equalizer

This is the circuitof 3 band graphic equalizer using IC LF351 and few components. IC LF351 which is a wide bandwidth single JFET operational amplifier. The high input impedance of the IC makes this circuit compatible with most of the audio signal sources. The opamp is wired as an inverting amplifier. The input signal is fed to the inverting...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rangkaian Penguji Transistor

This is a circuit can b e used to check the hfe of transistors. Both PNP and NPN transistors can be checked using this circuit. Hfe as high as 1000 can be measured by using this circuit. This circuit is based on two constant current sources build around transistors Q1 and Q2. Q1 is a PNP transistor and the constant current flows in the...

Lampu otomatis menggunakan photocell (LDR)

This is a photocell circuit for detecting the light intensity. At full light the resistance of the photocell will be few ten ohms and at darkness it will rise to several hundred ohms. IC1 Op amp uA741 is wired as a comparator here. At darkness the resistance of photocell increases and so the voltage at the inverting input of the IC1...

Karakteristik Tegangan Dioda Zener

Gambar dan simbol dioda zenerZener diode is specially designed to operate in the reverse biased mode. It is acting as normal diode while forward biasing. It has a particular voltage known as break down voltage, at which the diode break downs while reverse biased. In the case of normal diodes the diode damages at the break down voltage. But...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Rangkaian 100watt Inverter 2N3055

This is a 100 Watt inverter circuit using minimum number of components. Here circuit used IC CD 4047 IC from Texas Instruments for generating the 100 Hz pulses and four 2N3055 transistors for driving the load. IC1 Cd4047 wired as an astable multivibrator produces two 180 degree out of phase 100 Hz pulse trains. These pulse trains are are...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Control Kecapatan Fan-Metode PWM

The following circuit is a circuit that is used to adjust the fan speed by using the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation). This circuit is very easy to make, and do not use the microcontroller or other digital components, for more details, let's look at his series of pictures belowSkema Rangkain Control Kecapatan Fan-Metode PWMVR1: 10K Potentiometer...

Pengisi Battery Li-On Menggunakan USB

USB port it is one of the most useful port. Besides being used as an interface port for the device I / O computer, this port was also used as a filler Li-On Battery (Li-On Battery Charger). Battery charger circuit Li-On can you see in the image belowSkema Rangkaian Pengisi Battery Li-OnUSB port capable of supplying a maximum voltage 5.25...

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Rangkaian Frekuensi Counter Digital

With a microcontroller system AT89c2051 and an LCD display we can create a digital frequency counter which can measure frequencies up to 250KHz. LCD is used LM16200.LM16200 LDC PicPin LCD LM16200Scheme of frequency counter digital using AT89c2051 are as follows:Skema Rangkaian Frekuensi Counter DigutalAT89c2051 to program, we use the...

Rangkaian Microphone/Mic FM Wireless

Microphone/Mic FM Wireless is basically an FM transmitter to low power. FM Wireless Mic circuit you can use it to replace the wireless mic is usually quite expensive price. If you are a fan of electronics, then the series is worth your trying, but its component prices cheaper tool is also very useful. Here is a picture of his series:Skema...

Rangkaian Driver/Buffer Saklar Relay

This is a circuit instead of a standard on-off switch. Switching (Saklar) is very gentle. If we don’t use the PCB, connect unused input pins to an appropriate logic level (’+’ or ‘-’). Unused output pins *NEED* be left open!. One step ’push’ activates the relay, another ‘push’ de-activates the relay.Rangkaian Driver/Buffer Saklar Relay...
Skema Rangkaian Elektronika