Friday, March 26, 2010

Rangkaian Amplifier LA4440

This is the circuit of amplifier using IC LA4440. The amplifier circuit uses very less components but a very high quality with respect to its cost and ideal for beginners.IC LA 4440 is wired as a bridge amplifier to deliver a 19 W Rms on a 4 Ohm speaker atau 6 W rms jika di fungsikan stereo. The IC has built in thermal over voltage and...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sistem Minimum Mikrokontroler AT89C51|AT89C52

The minimum system is AT89C51/AT89C52 microcontroller electronic circuits the minimum necessary to the operation of microcontroller IC. This circuit can then be connected to other circuits to perform certain functions or can be added with other complementary circuit to become a more complete system and has more functions.Rangkaian Sistem...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Rangkaian Downloader/Programmer AT89S51/AT89S52

Atmel is a product AT89S51/AT89S52 that quite a lot in the market with a price of less than 20 thousand rupiah. To start learning mikrokontroler type 89S51 this we need a programmer And Rangkaian Downloader. Programmer is a hardware device that is used to enter the machine language program code compilation that we write to in mikrokontroler.Gambar...

Decoder 4 Bit to 16 Line

Decoder 4 bit to 16 line HCC4514B/HCC4515B are monolithic integrated circuits available in 24-lead dual in-line plastic or ceramic package and plastic micro package. The HCC/HCF4514B/4515B consisting of a 4-bit strobed latch and a 4 to 16 line decoder. The latches hold the last input data presented prior to the strobe transition from 1...

3 Bit to 8 Line Demultiplexer (Dekoder)

Demultiplexer or decoders are devices that have the function desired output selection is adjusted to a predetermined input. At the decoder if input as an example of three input a1, a2 and a3, then the output will be produced 2 ^ 3 = 8 output (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7 and B8).In the picture below shows an example in the specification demultiplexer...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Mode Pengalamatan ATMEL AT89S51/AT89S52

Mode Pengalamatan Microcontroller AT89S51/AT89S52All the family members of ATMEL Microcontroller 89S51/52 have the same instruction set. This instruction set has been optimized for 8-bit control applications, and provide a variety of fast addressing modes for accessing the internal RAM and external RAMAddressing mode 89S51/52 ATMEL Microcontroller family is as followsImmediate AddressingImmediate addressing is so-named because...

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Kelompok Instruksi AritmatikaADD A,Rn (Add register to A).ADD A, (direct Add direct byte to A).ADD A, @Ri (Add indirect RAM to A).ADD A,#data (Add immediate data to A).ADDC A,Rn (Add register to A with Carry).ADDC A (direct Add direct byte to A with Carry).ADDC A,@Ri (Add indirect RAM to A with Carry).ADDC A,#data (Add immediate data to A with Carry).SUBB A,Rn (Subtract register...

74LS47|Decoder BCD 4-bit to Seven Segment

Decoder BCD 4-bit to Seven Segment decoder is a logic integrated circuit which serves to show the binary codes into signals that can be responded to visual. In accordance with a variety of ways encoding, then one can find various types of decoder, which one of them to the channel decoder output BCD seven segmentTypes of BCD decoder into...

Monday, March 15, 2010

60 Watt Guitar Amplifier + Tone Control

Rangkaian Guitar Amplifier + Tone ControlThe following is a circuit of amplifiers are equipped with the appropriate regulatory tone in use to strengthen the electric guitar, using a single-rail supply of about 60V and capacitor-coupling for the speaker . The advantages for a guitar amplifier are the very simple circuitry, even for comparatively...

Rangkaian Decoder Seven Segmen 5 Bit

This decoder circuit also serves to change the 5-bit binary numbers to decimal to be displayed by seven segments. This decoder has a 5 pin input PA, PB, PC, PD PE and 14 pin output marked a, b, c, d, e, f and g.For example, if the input PA, PB, PC, PD, PE = 11 01 0, then after the translated by the decoder will produce numbers a, b, c, d,...

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Rangkaian Dimmer (Pengatur Contras Lampu 220V)

Dimmers circuit useful to control the lighting of a lamp level (brightness control) by regulating voltage Vrms (root mean square voltage). Most Interior or Lighting Design Consultant must include dimmers on each of their design, because their system with dimmers can regulate mood and color of a room with more perfect.Skema Rangkaian Dimmer...

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Rangkaian Power Amplifier Sound System 2000 Watt

This power amplifier circuit provides up to 2000Watt, it has to be said that this amplifier will blow up any speaker connected to it. I recommend this as a 'thought experiment', rather than actually doing it!. 110V RMS into 8 ohms is 1500 W. How long would you expect the speaker to last? Most will be toast within perhaps 30 seconds or less!Skema...

Rangkaian Audio Signal Injector|Tracer

This circuit can be used as a signal injector or signal tracer. This circuit is very helpful in trouble shooting audio circuits, when you need to test a circuit by injecting a signal and observe the output (by watching the oscilloscope or by hearing the loudspeaker ), or by tracing some points inside the circuit when an audio signal is applied...

Monday, March 01, 2010

Rangkaian Pengukur Induktansi (Inductance Meter)

InductorAn inductor is a passive electronic component that can store energy in magnetic fields generated by electric current through it. Inductor's ability to store magnetic energy is determined by induktansinyaInductance (L) (measured in Henry) is the effect of the magnetic field formed around the current carrying conductor that is holding...
Skema Rangkaian Elektronika