Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rangkaian Infra Red Remote Tester

Infra Red Remote TesterThe circuit is very effective to test the remote controls what still works or not, the remote record will be tested using infra red. Examples of the TV remote, AC and others. Please try I am sure 100% will be successful.Rangkaian Remote TesterThe workings of the circuit is very simple, when the infra red sensor receive...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rangkaian Pengukur Jarak

This circuit Can be Used to Measure distance covered by bicycle using a reed switch as the sensor and use the magnet tied to a wheel. Detection of rolling is then made by a proximity effect, Pls the magnet close to the reed switch. This close / open reed switch contact Can use to make on-off signal. 68HC908QY4 microcontroller function for...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rangkaian Line Follower ROBOT Berbasis AT89C2051

This Circuit of Line Follower ROBOT has been getting from VingPeaw Competition Award winner in 2543, the robot built with mikrokontroler AT89C2051, L293D, and four IR sensors. Simple circuit and platform, quick tracking and easy-understand program using C language.The Line Follower ROBOT designed which use two motors control rear wheels...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rangakaian Downloader Mikrokontroler AVR Menggunakan USB

This circuit is a downloader for Atmel AVR microcontroller. The circuit uses ATMega48 or ATmega8 and a few other passive components. Programmer or a downloader uses a USB-only drive firmware (firmware-only USB driver), does not require a special USB controller.Skema Rangakaian DownloaderMikrokontroler AVR Menggunakan USBFeaturesCan be used...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rangkaian Thermometer Berbasis Mikrokontroler AT89S52

This is a circuit of a microcontroller AT89S52 Thermometer and 12-bit ADC LTC1298, programs written in the language c program with digital filtering and interface the LED display. The reading provides 0.1C sensitivity.The hardware block and circuit diagram is shown in Fig below. The sensor is epoxy molded thermistor. The circuit for signal...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rangkaian Control DC Fan Menggunakan Remote TV

Control DC Fan Menggunakan Remote TVThis circuit measures temperature in Celsius and displays it on an alphanumeric LCD. When temperature rise to 40C an alarm is activated and the electromechanical relay is also activated which drives a fan to keep the temperature at a level. Another feature of this circuit is that you can use the keys "1,2,3,4"...

Rangkaian RTC Berbasis AT89C4051

Rangkaian RTC Berbasis AT89C4051This is a circuit diagram for the digital clock. Port 1 of the controller (AT89C4051) is Used as the data lines for the 20 x 4 lines LCD display.The source code for the project is written in C-language, and compiled using Keil C compiler, Can you download the c-code, schematic, and if you do not have a cross...

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Rangkaian Battery Tester ( Penguji Battery)

This circuit can be used to test the battery without the need of power supply or expensive moving-coil voltmeters. It has two Ranges: Pls SW1 is set as shown in the circuit diagram, test the circuit cans 3V to 15V batteries. When SW1 is switched to the other position, only 1.5V cells Can be tested.Skema Rangkaian Battery Tester ( Penguji...

Sistem Minimum Mikrokontroler ATmega8535

Minimum System ATmega8535 microcontroller, is the minimum necessary circuits for the operation of the microcontroller IC, then this minimum circuit can be connected with other circuits to perform certain functions. In the AVR microcontroller family, Atmega8535 series is one series that is very widely used.Skema Rangkaian Sistem MinimumMikrokontroler...

Monday, May 03, 2010

Rangkaian Alarm Kebakaran

Alarm KebakaranThis is a simple fire alarm circuit, which can help the user's color interested against fire accidents based on a LDR and lamp pairs an alarm for sensing the fire.The works by sensing the smoke Produced During fire.The circuit produces an audible alarm the fire breaks Pls out with smoke.Skema Rangkaian Alarm KebakaranWhen...

Rangkaian Alarm|Sensor Cahaya

Alarm|Sensor CahayaThis circuit is a loud alarm at the break of the daylight. The 555 timer IC is Used here. It is working as an astable multivibrator at a frequency of about 1kHz. This circuit can be used as an anti-burglar alarm in certain rooms, such as cupboard, cupboard in the open when the light will hit the circuit, so the alarm will...

Monitor|Sensor Arus AC Menggunakan LED

Monitor|Sensor Arus ACThis circuit functions to remotely monitor Pls help a couple of electric heaters have been left on. Its sensors must be placed in contact with the feeders to be Able to monitor Pls the power cable is drawing current, Thus causing the circuit to a switch-on LED. The circuit and its coil sensor Can be placed very far...
Skema Rangkaian Elektronika