Thursday, July 30, 2009

Grafik Untuk Menentukan Ukuran Box|Kotak Speaker

The problems that often appear when you want to make a speaker box set itself is large so that the required optimal results? When the box is too large, then the low tones produced less power, but if it feels too small voices will explode feel-ledak low frequency response and the resulting reduced. In short, either too large or too small...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


This is a simple circuit of downloader AVR microcontrollers (Atmega|Attiny ). This circuit can be used to painlessly transfer hex programs to most ATMEL AVR microcontrollers without sacrificing your budget and time. It is more reliable than most other simple AVR downloader programmers available out there and can be built in very short...

Rangkaian Low pass Filter aktif

frequencies higher than the cutoff frequency. The actual amount of attenuation for each frequency varies from filter to filter. It is sometimes called a high-cut filter, or treble cut filter when used in audio applications. A low-pass filter is the opposite of a high-pass filter, and a band-pass filter is a combination of a low-pass and...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rangkaian Subwoofer 200 watt

If we walk in the shop or mall and see the electronic equipment is high end, so sometimes we desire to have the equipment, for example, we see that a subwoofer bass sound is so excite. but for the price of our audio equipment may still include expensiveAs an electrician we have any idea, how to make a quality subwoofer, such as not lose...

Skema 200 watt Power Amplifier STK4050 II

Features STK4050 IICompact package for thin-type audio setsMember of pin-compatible series with outputs of 20 to200WEasy heatsink design to disperse heat generated in thintypestereo setsConstant-current circuit to reduce supply switch-on andswitch-off shock noiseExternal supply switch-on and switch-off shock noisemuting, load short-circuit...

Pengertian Daya dalam watt PMPO dan RMS

Compo sound device or active speaker with built-in speaker PMPO with generally stated, a value that is usually put in the large 500 watt PMPO, 1000 watt PMPO, or even more.PMPO (peak music power output) and currents measured by the peak voltage that can be issued an amplifier. Unit size of PMPO power is not a standard. This size refers to the highest point of the sound that comes from a series of spiker. Value and each spiker...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Rangkaian Konfigurasi Common Emitter dan Collector

Rangkain Konfigurasi Common EmitteTransistor configuration that is most often found configuration Common Emitter (CE). Called the Common Emitter (CE) as the emitter on the side with the input and output.Rangkain Konfigurasi Common EmitteIn this configuration, the relationship between the flow base, emitter and collector is fixed.IE = IB...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Rangkaian Common Base Configuration

Transistors operatingTransistor operating with a bias in both Junction (base-emitter and base-collector). Total current from the emitter terminal is the same as the flow in the collector terminal on the terminal plus cash basis.IE = IB + ICICO value is very small and generally can be ignored Base-emitter voltage (VBE) can be considered as...

Rangkaian Antarmuka Seven Segmen Dengan AT89S51/52

Data that is processed mikrokontroler data hexa, to be shown on seven segment we can use dekoder hexa to the sevent segment or through the conversion program, for konveri, we can use the system look up table program we need a conversion table, table is as follows:Place the module with mikrokontroler seven segment connecting module on port...

Rangkaian Saklar|Keypad Matrix AT89S51/52

Rangkaian saklar for mikrokontroler AT89S51/52Port mikrokontroler AT89S51/52 The complete internal pull-up, a default condition so that it is high. To make this port as input, we live to provide logic high or ignore in the default condition. If we want a legible entries we should use the Low input signal.In the picture below, when the button...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Seven Segment

Seven Segment is 8 pieces of LED array is arranged in such a way that was shaping up to 7 segments and 1 point that can be used to show the pattern numbers and some letters. there are two types of seven-segment LED Seven segment of the Common Anode (CA) and Common Cathode (CC).On picture above is the layout, naming seven segment each segment...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Rankaian Konverter 12volt - 5 volt Meggunakan Dioda Zener

Skema Rangkaian Konverter 12 Volt ke 5 VoltConverter is a series of functions to change the voltage 12 to be 5 Volt. the core of this series is the zener diode. due to a fall in voltage Zener diode 12 will be 5.7 volt. voltage in 5.7 volt electrical currents strengthened by taransiator Q1To get a different output voltage you can change...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Rangkaian Lampu Neon (TL) 12 Volt

Rangkaian Lapu Neon (TL) 12 Volt function to set the lights Neon (TL) using voltage 12 Volt (12 volt batteray). This series is based 2N3055 transistor and some components that work as a series of oscilator Volet with feedback through the L1. Oscilator frequency of this work is influenced by the value of R, C and L When the oscillation output...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Rangkaian Led Berjalan|Running Led

Rangkaian Led Berjalan|Running LedCircuit of Led runs, led can be seen using, as an indicator while ic IC4017 is that it functions as a counter with the help of a clock generated by a 555 timer ic, slow movement which quickly led the flames quickly depending on the clock late in the output by the timer IC.Skema Rangkaian Led BerjalanList...

Hukum Kirchoff Arus|Kirchoff tegangan

- Hukum Kirchoff ArusStates that "all the algebraic number of the flow enters a knot / point in the series is a zero" or "the amount of flow that enters the knot in a series with the same amount of flow that is out of the knot."Expressed mathematically withAs an illustration shown in the picture below:So based on the law applicable kirchof...
Skema Rangkaian Elektronika