Power Amplifier BTL

List Componet:
R3............................................. 20kOhm.
C1, C2, C3, C4........................... 10µF.
Catu daya (VCC) ±12 V.
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Power Amplifier BTL
Crossover is a tool to limit the "frequency range" to be accepted by the speaker. Imagine the crossover act as police at a traffic, which regulates the flow to the tweeter, the midrange and bass to the subwoofer.
Skema Rangkaian Pendeteksi Sinyal Electromagnetic
IC LF351 Description
The IC LF351 is a low cost high speed JFET input operational amplifier with an internally trimmed input offset voltage (BI-FET II™ technology). The device requires a low supply current and yet maintains a large gain bandwidth product and a fast slew rate. In addition, well matched high voltage JFET input devices provide very low input bias and offset currents. The LF351 is pin compatible with the standard LM741 and uses the same offset voltage adjustment circuitry. This feature allows designers to immediately upgrade the overall performance of existing LM741 designs.